Thursday, January 31, 2013

Gallstones Treatment

(By Dr Lai Chun Nan, Dr in research of cancer cell reversing to normal cell)
1            1)  Drinking Apple Juice
             (Eat 4 or 5 apples or drink 4 glasses of apple juice)
2            2) Taking everyday step 1 for 5 days with normal meal.
3            3)  On the 6th day, NO DINNER, follow the below steps:
a.     At  6pm, mix a teaspoon of epsum salt (magnesium sulphate) with warm water. Mix well and drink.
b.     At 8pm, repeat the same as at 6pm.
c.      At 10pm, mix half glass of olive oil with half glass of pure lemon juice (4 lemons). Mix and stir well and drink it.
4            4)  On the next day, you will find green faeces and stone floating.
 Remarks: Epsum Salt and Olive Oil can get at Guardian Pharmacy

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