Thursday, January 31, 2013

Gallstones Treatment

(By Dr Lai Chun Nan, Dr in research of cancer cell reversing to normal cell)
1            1)  Drinking Apple Juice
             (Eat 4 or 5 apples or drink 4 glasses of apple juice)
2            2) Taking everyday step 1 for 5 days with normal meal.
3            3)  On the 6th day, NO DINNER, follow the below steps:
a.     At  6pm, mix a teaspoon of epsum salt (magnesium sulphate) with warm water. Mix well and drink.
b.     At 8pm, repeat the same as at 6pm.
c.      At 10pm, mix half glass of olive oil with half glass of pure lemon juice (4 lemons). Mix and stir well and drink it.
4            4)  On the next day, you will find green faeces and stone floating.
 Remarks: Epsum Salt and Olive Oil can get at Guardian Pharmacy

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Recommended Hotel & KTVs - Vientiane, Laos

Sengtawan Riverside Hotel
Unit 3 Ban Shitan Neua
Shikodtabong District
Lao P.D.R.
Tel: +856-21-219-362 and 5
Fax: +856-21-219-366
Rate: Appox USD60/night onwards
Remarks: Overlooking Mekong River with a nice view of Nong Khai, Thailand from the 5th Flr rooftop. Room is spacious and clean. Walking distance to City center.

Hotel Front View

Standard Room

Standard Room

Standard Room Toilet

Standard Room Shower

 Vientiane KTVs

Daokham Hotel KTV

Daokham Hotel KTV Room

Mekong Hotel KTV

Entrance to Mekong Hotel KTV

Monday, May 21, 2012

Dongmen Shenzhen Map

Recommended Hotels - China

Shenzhen, China
Sunnon Holiday Villa Hotel,
55, Yongxin Street, Jiefang Road,
Luohu District,
Shenzhen 518001, Guangdong,
Tel: +86 755 8222986
Fax: +86 755 82252898
Metro - Laojie Station
Rate: Superior room @ RMB308/night with breakfast for 1 pax
Remarks: Highly recommended for people who like to shop in Dongmen Pedestrian Streets

Hotel Entrance View

Superior Room

Hotel Lobby

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Richness Is When You Need No More by Khuswant Singh

Having lived a reasonably contented life, I was musing over what a person should strive for to achieve happiness. I drew up a list of a few essentials which I put forward for the readers' appraisal.
1. First and foremost is GOOD HEALTH. If you do not enjoy good health you can never be happy. Any ailment, however trivial, will deduct from your happiness. 
2. Second, A HEALTHY BANK BALANCE. It need not run into crores but should be enough to provide for creature comforts and something to spare for recreation, like eating out, going to the pictures, travelling or going on holidays on the hills or by the sea. Shortage of money can be only demoralizing. Living on credit or borrowing is demeaning and lowers one in one's own eyes. 
3. Third, A HOME OF YOUR OWN. Rented premises can never give you the snug feeling of a nest which is yours for keeps that a home provides: if it has a garden space, all the better. Plant your own trees and flowers, see them grow and blossom, cultivate a sense of kinship with them. 
4. Fourth, AN UNDERSTANDING COMPANION, be it your spouse or a friend. If there are too many misunderstandings, they will rob you of your peace of mind. It is better to be divorced than to bicker all the time. 
5. Fifth, LACK OF ENVY towards those who have done better than you in life; risen higher, made more money, or earned more fame. Envy can be very corroding; avoid comparing yourself with others. 
6. Sixth, DO NOT ALLOW OTHER PEOPLE to descend on you for gup-shup. By the time you get rid of them, you will feel exhausted and poisoned by their gossip-mongering.
7. Seventh, CULTIVATE SOME HOBBIES which can bring you a sense of fulfilment, such as gardening, reading, writing, painting, playing or listening to music. Going to clubs or parties to get free drinks or to meet celebrities is criminal waste of time. 
8. Eighth, every morning and evening, devote 15 minutes to INTROSPECTION. In the morning, 10 minutes should be spent on stilling the mind and then five in listing things you have to do that day. In the evening, five minutes to still the mind again, and ten to go over what you had undertaken to do. 
RICHNESS is not Earning More, Spending More  Or Saving  More, but ...